Powder Shakers

These Powder Tubes are being manufactured for us in the traditional talc size 1 7/8" in diameter, 5" high. They hold 4 - 5 oz. of powder, depending on how dense it is (you'll need to weigh your product to ensure the correct weight on the label). My mother used to buy Yardley Lavender Talc and Soap (back when Yardley was at the "Clinique" level, not the K-Mart level) and it came in a cardboard tube container with a white shaker top just like these. Even now, 40 years later, they are the standard. You'll see this same powder shaker being used in commercial lines today.

We also carry ingredients for making body powder, including a ready-made body powder in bulk. (See products listed under the powder shakers, below.)

Quantity Discounts Available  Click on the blue letters or picture to see the quantity price break down.


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